Starting the Test Designer

The NetSupport School CCE Test Designer is the primary interface for:

  • Creating questions.

  • Creating tests/examinations.

  • Maintaining stored questions and tests.

  • Providing user access to the designer.

Note: Selecting participants, running the test at student machines and recording the results of tests is managed in the Tutor Console. See Testing Console for more information.

Starting the Test Designer

  1. Choose {Start}{Programs}{NetSupport School CCE}{NetSupport School CCE Test Designer}. On Windows 8 machines right-click in the Start screen and choose All Apps at the bottom of the screen. Click the NetSupport School CCE Test Designer icon.


    Select the Feedback & Wellbeing tab in the Tutor Console ribbon and click Test Designer.

  2. A login screen appears.

    Enter your user name and password.

    Note: By default, the admin account has no password set. You are prompted to set one when you create additional user accounts or exit the Test Designer.
  3. The Test Designer window opens.

See also:

The Test Designer

