Website Properties dialog
Add a website to your Approved or Restricted Websites list
Click the Add
icon above the Approved or Restricted Websites pane.
Right-click in the Approved or Restricted Websites pane and select Add Website.
Enter the website address in the URL field.
Type in the description, e.g. Google (this is optional).
Note: To ensure Students are only viewing the appropriate pages in a website, you can approve/restrict sub-URLs within the same section of a website, i.e. can be restricted but can be approved. Students will only be able to view pages relating to history and not view pages relating to Science or English. -
By default, websites added to the Approved Websites list appear in the Student Toolbar. If you don't want Students to see this website, you can hide it by clearing the Visible at Student option.
By default, keywords are entered to prevent/allow a Student to view a URL that includes these keywords. This can be used to deal with websites that are re-directed.
Click OK.
The website icon and description will appear in the Approved or Restricted Websites list.