File properties

This dialog displays information about the selected file or files. If you have selected multiple files, the summary will display total sizes and attributes for those files. You can set the attributes of the file here by using the attribute checkboxes.

File Properties dialog


If the selected file has a long filename, MS-DOS has a different interpretation of the file name. This is what is commonly known as 8.3 format (short file name).


Displays the location of the selected file, either on the local or current Student machine. The path of the file is also displayed in long file name format.


The total size in bytes of the selected file or files. If you have selected multiple files, the total size of all files will be displayed.


This is the time and date that the selected file was last modified.


You can alter the attributes of a selected file or files by checking and un-checking these boxes.

If you have selected multiple files, some of the check boxes will have three states. If an attribute is set on all of the selected files, the checkbox will have the two normal states; otherwise, a third state will indicate that this attribute will not be affected.

You can change the following attributes:

  • Read-only

  • Archive

  • Hidden

  • System