Deploy package - Properties Restart tab

NetSupport School Install Properties dialog

Only if required to complete the installation

The options below are only applicable if the target PCs require a forced restart to complete the installation.

Note: If you have asked for verification that the Student is running (see Options tab), you must choose an option that will force the machines to be restarted immediately.


Advise user to restart machine: At the completion of the deployment, a message will be displayed at machines asking the user to restart the PC at the next convenient opportunity. Do not choose if the above note applies.

Insist user restarts machine: A message will be displayed at machines advising the user to restart the PC to complete the installation.

Force restart: At the end of the deployment, a message is displayed advising users that the machine will be restarted. A time bar is displayed indicating how many seconds it is before the restart commences.

Automatic restart if not logged on: If the machine being deployed to is not logged on, a restart will commence automatically.