Installing and configuring the NetSupport School Chrome Tutor
The NetSupport School Chrome Tutor application is used by the teacher to communicate with, monitor, control and test students; as such, it should be installed on each teacher’s Chrome device and configured to connect to the NetSupport Connectivity Server/Name & Connectivity Server (covered earlier in this document).
Installing the NetSupport School Chrome Tutor
Download the NetSupport School Chrome Tutor app from the Google Chrome store.
Locate the NetSupport School Tutor for Chrome app and launch this.
The NetSupport School Chrome Tutor will start and the Licence Details dialog appears.
Enter the licence details you have been provided with and click License or click Evaluate to use the software for up to five student Chromebooks for 30 days.
The Connect dialog appears.
Enter the Name and Connectivity Server address, port number and security key.
Choose whether to connect to your Google Chrome Students using Room mode
Allows you to connect to Students in a specified room., User mode
Connect to a fixed list of Students by logged-on user name. or Browse mode
Browse the network and connect to Students with a specific machine name..
Note: NetSupport School also offers direct integration with SIS (Student Information System) using ClassLink OneRoster, allowing you to instantly access your SIS classrooms and student accounts. The School Name and Teacher Username fields are only populated when using SIS mode. -
Click Connect.
See also: