Q&A options

This dialog allows you to set what happens when Students answer questions and how the results are displayed in the Question and Answer module.

  1. Select the Class tab in the ribbon and click Question Settings.

Q&A Options dialog

Answers correctly

Student gets a reward: If a Student answers correctly, they are given a reward.

Student is excluded from further questions: If a Student answers a question correctly, they are excluded from future rounds.

Answers incorrectly

Student loses a reward: If a Student answers incorrectly, a reward is deducted.

Student is excluded from further questions: If a Student answers a question incorrectly, they are excluded from future rounds.


How many Students: Specify how many Students to be positioned at the Tutor when they answer a question. Students are positioned based on how quickly they answer a question. The position is shown on the Student thumbnail.

Show results at Student: If disabled, this will hide the left-hand Current Round pane at Students.

  • Only show top results: This option displays only the top results (as specified in the How many Students option) to Students. For example, if five Students have been specified in the How many Students option, then only these five results will be displayed.