Installing and configuring the NetSupport School Student for Android
NetSupport School delivers the tools you need to help maximise the effectiveness of technology-led teaching on Android devices.
The NetSupport School Student for Android can be installed on each Android tablet. From the teacher's desktop, you can then connect to each system enabling you to interact with each student quickly and efficiently.
The NetSupport School Student for Android app works on Android v5.0 or later tablets and is available for free from the Google Play store.
Set up and configure the NetSupport School Student for Android
You can pre-configure each device with the required password-protected classroom connectivity settings from the device or 'push' the settings to each device from within the NetSupport School Tutor program:
Select the Administer tab in the ribbon and click Apply Student Settings.
The Student Settings dialog will appear.
Select the students you wish to send the settings to.
To amend the configuration settings, click Modify.
The Modify Student Settings dialog will appear.
Set the required options and click Save.
If a password has already been set at the Android device, enter this.
Click Send.
You can now browse for Android Students in Room mode.
If you selected the 'Non-Windows' licence type during installation, the Tutor Console has a cut-down set of features.
Features supported on Android:
Student register.
Lesson objectives.
Receive messages from the Tutor.
Student request help.
Group or 1:1 chat.
Student survey.
Lock/unlock student computers.
Real-time instruction (Show
Show the Tutor's screen to Students. mode).
View Student thumbnails.
Watch Student screen.
Student rewards
The Tutor can 'reward' Students for good behaviour..
Wi-Fi/battery indicators.
Launch URL at the Student.
Blank Student screen.
Question and Answer mode.
File Transfer.
File Distribution.
Launch at startup. The NetSupport School Student for Android will launch when the device is powered on and will automatically sign in (where the device is located in a fixed room).
See also: