Student Security settings

From here, you can set the security settings at the Student.

NetSupport School Client Configurator dialog

Student Security

Security Key: This sets a security key that must be the same as that set at the Tutor before the Tutor will be allowed to connect. This setting is optional. If there is no security key set here any Tutor may connect, regardless of the security key set at the Tutor.

Enable User Acknowledgement: If enabled, a remote control session cannot take place until the Student has confirmed that they accept the link being made.

Display Customisable Text

When Connected: The message entered here is displayed at the Student machine when a Tutor or Tech ConsoleClosed A unique console specifically for technicians, providing a single view of all machines across the school. connects to it.

When Viewed: The message entered here is displayed at the Student machine when it is being viewed by the Tutor or Tech Console.

Configurator Security Settings

Configurator Password: As an extra level of security, you can associate a password with a Configuration file. This prevents unauthorised amendment of this Student's configuration. When the Configurator is next started, the user must enter the required password before being able to change any Student parameters in this Configuration file. Choose Set, to set your password.

Enable user acknowledgement for Tech Console connections (applies to Tutor only installs)

If enabled, the Tech Console will not be able to connect to a Tutor machine until the Tutor has confirmed that they accept the link being made.

Don't apply central policies to this computer

Any policy restrictions set in the Tech Console will not be applied at this Student machine.