Setting Student properties

NetSupport School allows you to store and display information about particular Student machines such as the operating system they are running on.

You also have an option to display an alternative name to the actual Student name. For example, the Student machine may be called XTEST1 but for the purpose of listing it at the Tutor, you may want to use the name of the Student who uses that machine, e.g. John Apsey.

To set Student properties

  1. Right-click the Student in the List viewClosed Displays the currently connected Students or groups. You can switch the display mode between large icons and details view from the View tab in the ribbon. and click the Properties Application window with text in. icon.


    From the Tech ConsoleClosed A unique console specifically for technicians, providing a single view of all machines across the school., select the tab displaying the Student's name in the ribbon and click Properties.

  2. The Client Properties dialog is displayed.

    This has the following tabs:


    Displays the NetSupport School Client name, location, its network address, what transport it is running on, whether to include this Student in Shows/Scans (only available in the Tutor Console) and specifies whether this Student is a teacher (only available in the Tech Console).

    Note: The transport and network address cannot be changed while you are connected to the Student.


    Store background information about the Student machines, such as contact name, phone number etc.

    You can change the name of the Student machine that is displayed in the List view of the Tutor Console. Note that this is an alias. It does not physically change the actual NetSupport School Student name. The appearance of the Student icons can also be changed, click Customise.

    Security (only available in the Tech Console)

    Reports back the status of the security settings for the Student machine.

    System Information/About

    Contains some basic information about the version of NetSupport School that the Student machine is running and the operating system that it is running on. Licence details are also displayed in the Tech Console.


    Details all of the statistics about the compression engine.

    Help Requested

    This tab only appears if there are any outstanding help requests from this Student. From here, you can see details of the help request and clear it.