Entering deploy settings in advance

There may be occasions when you want to defer a deployment until a more convenient time of the day. With NetSupport School Deploy, you can prepare the settings in advance and choose when to perform the deployment.

Note: You select the machines to deploy to when you are ready to run the deployment.

To prepare the settings for a future deployment

  1. Choose {Deploy}{Configuration} from the Deploy main window drop-down menu.

  2. The Deploy list dialog appears.

    Select the required Deploy option. (NetSupport School Package, Client Configuration, NetSupport School Licence File or Uninstall NetSupport School)

  3. Click Properties and enter the required settings.

  4. When all settings are entered, click Close to return to the Deploy main window.

To run the deployment

  1. Select the machines to deploy to. See Preparing a deployment.

  2. Choose {Deploy} from the main window drop-down menu.


    Right-click on the selected machines and choose Deploy.

  3. Select the required Deploy option.

  4. The Deploy summary dialog appears, showing your pre-defined selections.

    You can edit these if required.

  5. Click Deploy to start the deployment.

See also:

Deploy a NetSupport School package

Deploy Client Configuration

Deploy NetSupport School licence file

Remotely uninstall NetSupport School