Deploy licence file

When installing a NetSupport School package, a licence file is sent to each machine. However, there may be occasions when the licence information needs updating. For example, you have purchased additional licences and the licence file needs updating to reflect this. By using NetSupport School Deploy you can remotely update the file on user machines.

Deploy a licence file

  1. Select the required machines.

  2. Choose {Deploy}{NetSupport School Licence file} from the Deploy main window drop-down menu.


    Right-click on the selected machines and choose Deploy - NetSupport School Licence file.

  3. The Deploy summary dialog appears.

  4. Click Properties to enter the details for the deployment.

  5. Click Browse to specify the folder containing the licence file that is to be deployed. The default file is NSM.LIC.

  6. For the new settings to take effect immediately, the Client Service will be automatically restarted after the deployment. If not required, uncheck the Restart the Client service option.

  7. Click OK to return to the Summary dialog. You can view the contents of the licence file by clicking on the file name.

  8. Click Deploy. A progress dialog will appear, enabling you to monitor the status of the deployment.

  9. Click Close when complete.

See also:

NetSupport School licensing

Deploy - preparing a deployment

Deploy a NetSupport School package

Deploy a Client Configuration

Deploy - remote uninstall

Deploy - log files

Pre-define settings for a future deployment