Student Journal

NetSupport School CCE provides a Journal feature, allowing key lesson resources to be captured and automatically included in a PDF file for post-lesson review by each student and as a record of content covered for teachers. Not only can teachers add notes and resources used during the lesson directly to each Student Journal, the Students can add their own notes making this a truly personalised document.

Example Student Journal

Note: A PDF reader will be required to view the Journal.

By default, the Journal is located in:

C:\Users\"Logged on User"\Documents\Journals

Configuring the Journal

You can customise the settings for the Journal (at both the Student and Tutor) and change the location of where the Journal is stored.

Tutor Journal

  1. Click Options in the Tutor Console, select Settings from the drop-down menu and choose Journal.

Student Journal

  1. In the Student Configurator, select Journal.

Items that can be included within the Journal are:

  • Students' web history can be automatically saved to the Tutor Journal when the Tutor Console is shut down. To enable this setting, click Options in the Tutor Console, select Settings from the drop-down menu, choose User Interface - Tutor and select the Save Student Web history to Tutor Journal option.

  • Student rewards and stickers are automatically added to the Journal when they are given to Students.

Starting a Journal

The Journal will automatically start when any of the 'Send to Journal' options are selected. You can also start a Journal in the Class wizard.

  1. Select the Journal tab in the ribbon and click Start.

Note: If the Tutor Console is closed or the Student is restarted, the current Journal will be closed. You can open an existing Journal. Select the Journal tab in the ribbon, click the Start icon drop-down arrow and choose the previous Journal from the list.

Add Tutor notes to the Journal

  1. Select the required Students in the List viewClosed Displays the currently connected Students or groups. You can switch the display mode between large icons and details view from the View tab in the ribbon..

  2. Select the Journal tab in the ribbon and click Notes.

  3. The Add Notes to Journal dialog appears.

  4. Enter the required note and choose which Student Journals to send the note to from the Send To drop-down list (all connected Students or the currently selected Students).

  5. Click OK.

Note: You can also add a note to all Student Journals. Select the Journal tab in the ribbon, enter the required note in the Note section and click Add. Or, click the Add notes to the journal icon on the caption bar, enter the required note and click Add. If this is not displayed, you can add by clicking the Configure Quick Access List icon and selecting Add notes to the student journal from the list.

Add a screenshot to the Journal

  1. Select the required Students in the List view.

  2. Select the Journal tab in the ribbon and click Screenshot.

  3. Click Desktop to add a screenshot of your desktop.

  4. Click Application and select the required application from the list to add a screenshot of the selected application.

  5. Click Paste to add an image you have copied to your clipboard.

  6. You can enter a note to accompany the screenshot if required.

  7. Choose which Student Journals to send the screenshot to from the Send To drop-down list (all connected Students or the currently selected Students).

  8. Click OK.

Add Student notes or screenshots to the Journal

Students can add their own notes and screenshots to their Journal.

  1. Click the Journal icon on the Student Toolbar and select Add notes to Journal.


    Right-click the NetSupport School CCE Student icon on the system tray and select Add Notes to Journal.


    Click the NetSupport School CCE Student icon on the system tray and choose {Commands}{Add Notes to Journal} from the drop-down menu.

  2. Enter the required note and/or screenshot, following steps 3-5 above.

  3. Click OK.

  4. The note and/or image will be added to the Student Journal.

Note: Students cannot add notes if the Student Toolbar and Student icon are not visible.

Add the student register to the Journal

The student register can be added to the Tutor's Journal.

  1. Select the Journal tab in the ribbon and click Student Register.


    Select the Class tab in the ribbon, click the Student Register icon and choose Student Register.

Add the Approved Websites list to the Journal

  1. Select the required Students in the List view.

  2. Select the Journal tab in the ribbon and click Websites.

  3. Enter a note if required, and choose whether to send to all connected or the currently selected Students.

  4. Click OK.

Note: If you haven't set up an Approved Websites list in the Web Control module, the Website Properties dialog appears, allowing you to add a website to the list.

Add the target word list to the Journal

You can add a target word list to the Journal.

  1. Select the required Students in the List view.

  2. Select the Journal tab in the ribbon and click Word List.

  3. Enter a note if required and choose whether to send to all or the currently selected Students.

    Note: If you haven't already created a word list in Keyboard Monitoring, you are prompted to add the target words. Click OK.
  4. Click OK.

Add the survey results to the Journal

If you have conducted a Student survey, you can add the results to the Journal.

  1. Select the Journal tab in the ribbon and click Survey.

  2. A message will appear advising that the results have been added.

  3. Click OK.

Add a chapter to the Journal

Chapters can be added, allowing the Journal to be organised into sections. Each chapter starts on a new page.

  1. Select the Journal tab in the ribbon.

  2. In the Chapter section, enter a name for the chapter and click Add.

  3. Items are now added to the new chapter.

Remove an item from the Journal

You can remove the last item added to the Journal.

  1. At the Tutor, select the Journal tab in the ribbon and click Undo last add.


  1. At the Student, right-click the NetSupport School CCE Student icon on the system tray and select Delete Last Journal Item.


    Click the NetSupport School CCE Student icon on the system tray and choose {Commands}{Delete Last Journal Item} from the drop-down menu.

View a Journal

  1. Select the Journal tab in the ribbon and click View Journal.

Note: Student's can view a copy of their Journal by clicking the Journal icon in the Student Toolbar and selecting View Journal.

Print the Journal

You can print a copy of the current Journal.

  1. Select the Journal tab in the ribbon and click Print.

Synchronise Journals

You can synchronise the Tutor Journal with the Students to ensure the Student Journals are up-to-date. Any missing items are added to the Student Journals. This will not affect any information that the Student has added.

  1. Select the Journal tab in the ribbon and click Synchronise.

End the current Journal

  1. Select the Journal tab in the ribbon and click Stop.

See also:

Tutor Journal settings

Student Journal settings