Remote Command Prompt window

By launching the Remote Command Prompt window, you can remotely execute command line instructions at a connected Student.

Note: This feature is only available in the Tech Console.
  1. Connect to the required Student.

  2. Select the Home tab in the Tech ConsoleClosed A unique console specifically for technicians, providing a single view of all machines across the school. ribbon and click Remote Command.


    Right-click on the Student icon and select Remote Command Prompt.


    Select the tab displaying the Student's name in the ribbon and click Remote Command.

  3. The Remote Command Prompt window appears.

    The window is divided into the following sections:

    The caption bar

    The caption bar shows the name of the Student the Remote Command Prompt window is open for. The following options are available on the right-hand side:

    Number next to multiple windows

    [Multiple windows icon]

    Shows how many windows are open. From here, you can access the Window menu.

    Question mark

    [Online help icon - question mark]

    Access the online help and version number, licensee, Technical Support and compression information.

    [Minimise window icon]

    Minimise the window.

    Application window

    [Maximise window icon]

    Maximise the window.

    [Close window icon]

    Close the window.

    The ribbon

    A range of tools is available via the ribbon, enabling you, for example, to clear the output window and change the displayed font.

    Output/results pane

    Shows the results of the command that has been run at the Student.

    Input pane

    This is where you enter the commands to run at the Student. It can be resized if required. While the window is open, each command is stored by the Tech Console - enabling you to recall previous instructions that you may wish to run again. Either scroll through the entries using the up and down arrow keys and press Enter when the required command is displayed or press F7 to show all commands in a window. Click on the required command and press Enter.

    A maximum of fifty commands are stored. To clear the history, press F8. Once you close the Remote Command Prompt window, the history is cleared automatically.

    The status bar

    The status bar shows the number of connected Students. You can see a list of all connected Students by clicking Connections (clicking a Student name opens a Remote Command Prompt window for them).