Searching for Students

You can easily find Student and Tutor machines using the search feature in the Tech Console. You can search by logged-on user name, machine name, IP address, running application or the active website.

  1. Select the View tab in the Tech ConsoleClosed A unique console specifically for technicians, providing a single view of all machines across the school. ribbon and enter the search term in the Search Text field.

    Click the required Search For icon:

    [Logged-on user icon]

    Search by logged-on username.

    [PC name icon - monitor]

    Search by PC name.
    IP network

    [IP address icon]

    Search by IP address.

    [Running application icon]

    Search by the running application.

    [Active website icon]

    Search by the active website.
  2. To make the search case-sensitive, click the Case sensitive search Aa icon.

  3. Click Search.

  4. The search results appear in a new group on the group bar.

Note: You can remove the search results (and the group) by clicking the Close Search icon on the ribbon.