The Task Manager window

NetSupport School allows you to remotely open the Task Manager and manage applications, processes and services on the Student.

Task Manager window

The window is organised as follows:

The caption bar

The caption bar displays the name of the Student you are running the Task Manager for. The following options are available on the right-hand side:

Number next to multiple windows

[Multiple windows icon]

Shows how many windows are open. From here, you can access the Window menu.

Question mark

[Online help icon - question mark]

Access the online help and version number, licensee, Technical Support and compression information.

[Minimise window icon]

Minimise the window.

Application window

[Maximise window icon]

Maximise the window.

[Close window icon]

Close the window.

The ribbon

The ribbon provides access to the Task Manager tasks and tools. The available options change depending on what view is selected. You can refresh, print and export the data from all views.

The following views are available:

Applications: Shows a list of applications currently running on the Student machine. You can close a selected application from the list by clicking the Close Application icon.

Processes: Provides a list of processes currently running on the Student machine. You can close a selected process from the list by clicking the Kill Process icon.

Note: Click Monitor Resources to see the usage differences (+/-) for the running processes.

Services: Provides a list of services currently running on the Student machine. You can stop, start, pause and restart services by clicking the required Services icon.

The status bar

The status bar shows the number of connected Students. You can see a list of all connected Students by clicking Connections (clicking a Student name opens a Task Manager window for them).

See also:

Remote inventory and system information

The Inventory window