Tutor Startup Restrictions

Access levels and restrictions for NetSupport School features can now be defined at start-up, ensuring they come into force as soon as the Tutor is started.

Settings for Configuration: NetSupport School dialog

Startup mode

Web: Set the level of access for the Web Control Module.

  • Apply central policy: Applies the central policy restrictions that have been created in the Tech Console.

Applications: Set the level of access for the Application Control Module.

  • Apply central policy: Applies the central policy restrictions that have been created in the Tech Console

Print: Choose the level of access for the Printer Management mode.

  • Use central policy: Applies the central policy restrictions that have been created in the Tech Console

Devices (CD/DVD/USB): Choose the level of access for the Device Control mode.

  • Use central policy: Applies the central policy restrictions that have been created in the Tech Console

Webcam: Choose whether to allow or block access to webcams at Student machines.

Typing: Choose whether or not to monitor Students keyboard usage in Keyboard Monitoring mode.

Audio: Enable Audio monitoring or mute audio at the Students machines.