Video Player

NetSupport School provides exceptional multimedia support with full audio, video and remote control capabilities. This section deals specifically with the use of the Video Player. Please see audio support and showing for more details.

While the Video Player can be used to run a video file on the local machine, NetSupport School's remote control capabilities combined with full audio support enable you to use this tool to enhance training sessions and demonstrations across multiple PCs simultaneously.

All standard video files, for example, avi and mpg, are supported. The Video Player runs locally on each Student machine and the video file can be accessed locally or from a network drive. If video files are stored locally the impact on the network is minimised as only the data to control the player, e.g. start, stop, pause and synchronisation packets, are sent. If each Student machine retrieves the video file from a network drive, you will place additional demands on the network.

For optimum performance, store the video files locally on each machine, you may wish to use File Distribution to do this.

Other influencing factors will be:

  • The number of Student workstations accessing the file.

  • The speed of the network, e.g. 10/100 MB.

  • The size of the video file.

  • Student machine memory/performance specification.

  • Other traffic on the network.

  • If the video file to be played does not exist on the Student machine NetSupport School will automatically send it to the Student.

  • If a Student machine is required to retrieve files from a Server, for smooth operation, ensure that the Student machine has sufficient access rights to the relevant drive and files.

  • The video adapter of the machine and how the screen resolution is configured will affect the quality of the display.

See also:

To play a video file on a machine

Video Player Control Panel