Showing to Students

The Show feature enables the Tutor to emphasise key learning points by displaying the information on their screen to a selected Student, all Students or a group of Students. You can also show a stored replay file, audio file, a video or an application that is currently running at the Tutor.

During a Show, the Tutor can nominate a selected Student to take over the demonstration, making them the show leader.

Note: You can apply internet restrictions at the Tutor, preventing inappropriate websites from being displayed to Students during a Show (this can be set in the Show menu).

To include a 'snapshot' of the screen in the Student Journal, click Print Screen during the Show or right-click the Show icon on the system tray and select Add Screenshot to Journal. A dialog appears displaying the image to be added to the Journal and notes can be added to accompany the image.

To show a Tutor screen

  1. If you want to Show your screen to one Student or a group, ensure they are selected.

  2. Select the Class tab in the ribbon and click the Show icon.

  3. Show options can be set by clicking the relevant option in the Show menu. To set further Show properties, click the More icon.

    Note: If you are running multiple monitors, you can choose which monitor to show Students by clicking the relevant icon.
  4. Click Quick Show.

    Note: If you want to show to one Student, a Quick Show option to show to the selected Student appears in the menu. You can also right-click a Student in the List viewClosed Displays the currently connected Students or groups. You can switch the display mode between large icons and details view from the View tab in the ribbon. and click Quick Show.
  5. Your desktop is displayed to the Student(s).


To improve performance when showing to a large number of machines, NetSupport School's Broadcast Show facility is enabled by default. This results in the screen information being sent to all machines simultaneously, thus improving the speed of transfer. Turning this feature off results in the screen information being sent to each Student machine in turn.

Whilst reducing overall network traffic generated by NetSupport School, using this feature will generate additional broadcast packets on your network. It is recommended that you consult your network administrator before using this feature.

The ShowClosed Show the Tutor's screen to Students. can be sent to Students using multicast. The broadcast will only be sent to machines included in the specified IP multicast address.

See also:

To end the Show

Allow the Tutor to continue working in the background while showing

Resume a Show while suspended

Show leaders

Showing one Student's screen to others

Annotating screens during a Show

Show videos

Show application

Using audio

Using replay files