Working with groups

NetSupport School provides you with sophisticated grouping functions to enable you to manage and organise different groups of Students. You can use the following functions on groups as a whole:

To create a group

  1. Select the Group tab in the ribbon and click Add.


    Click the Group options icon on the group bar and select Add.

  2. The Add a group wizard appears asking you to provide a name and brief description of the group. It will then assist you in creating your group.

Your newly created group will appear on the group bar.

Group Students randomly

  1. Select the Group tab in the ribbon and click Group Randomly.

  2. The Group Randomly dialog appears.

  3. Select how to group the teams:

    Assign Randomly: Students are randomly assigned to groups. Enter the number of groups required.

    Student chooses: Students can choose what team to join. Enter the group names and separate each value with a comma.

  1. Click OK.

  2. The newly created group(s) appears on the group bar.

To change the members of a group

  1. Select the required group on the group bar.

  2. Select the Group tab in the ribbon and click Properties.


    Click the Group options icon on the group bar and select Properties.


    Click the drop-down icon on the required group tab (mouse over the right-hand side of the group tab to display this) and click Properties.

  3. Choose the Members tab and select the Students to be removed or added.

  4. Click OK.

Note: You can also remove Students from a group by right-clicking the selected Student icons and selecting the Remove from Group icon.

See also:

Deleting a group

Assigning a group leader