Using replay files

When a Tutor remote controls a Student machine, they can record the screen, keyboard and mouse activity taking place. In addition, if the PCs are configured for audio, any narration that takes place can also be recorded.

The information is stored in a file that can be replayed at the Tutor machine and, if required, shown to other Students.

The Replay facility can be configured to record at all or individual Student machines. Local activity at the Tutor machine can also be recorded.

Once enabled, activity is recorded as soon as a View session is opened. Recording stops when the View session is closed, at which point the stored replay file becomes available for playback.

A Show session can also be recorded, enabling Students to playback the demonstration at their convenience.

By default, a replay file is saved as a .rpf file, these can be converted to AVI or WMV video files. Pre-set options will be provided for converting replay files to video files. More advanced users can access the Replay Conversion utility where you can control video resolution, audio quality, start and end points of the video and much more. To launch the Replay Conversion utility, select {Start}{Programs}{NetSupport School}{NetSupport School Replay}. On Windows 8 machines, right-click in the Start screen and choose All Apps at the bottom of the screen. Click the NetSupport School Replay icon.

Note: Replay files store screen images and can, therefore, become very large. Good housekeeping plays a vital role in maintaining files of this nature. It is recommended that old files are deleted on a regular basis.

See also:

Record replay files for all Students

Record replay files for individual Students

Record replay files at the Tutor machine

Watching replay files

Showing replay files to Students

Converting replay files to video files