Collect work files

Two methods are available for retrieving completed work files from Student machines:

  • Quick collect: Remembers the last file(s) sent via quick send and provides a quick and easy method for retrieving the work back at the end of a session.

  • Advanced collect: Lets you select the file(s) to retrieve from a list of pre-defined send/collect operations and provides greater flexibility as to which Students the work is collected from.

To collect work using quick collect

  1. Select the Work Planner tab in the ribbon and click Collect Work.

  2. The Quick Collect dialog appears.

  3. Specify the name of the file(s) to collect, e.g. *.* or Test1.txt;Test2.txt.

  4. Specify the folder in which the file(s) are stored, e.g. C:\Desktop, and whether you want to remove the file(s) from the Student machine after collecting them.

    Note: The Collect files and Collect from folder at Student fields are pre-populated with the last files sent using quick send.
  5. Specify the folder on the Tutor machine to collect the file(s) in. You can choose Desktop or Documents from the drop-down list or click Browse to specify a different folder.

  6. Click Collect.

  7. The result of the operation will be displayed for you to check that the work has been collected successfully.

  8. Click OK.

To collect work using advanced collect

  1. Select the Work Planner tab in the ribbon and click Send/Collect Work.

  2. The Send/Collect Work dialog appears.

  3. Select the required operation from the list and click Collect Work.

  4. The Select Students dialog appears.

    Select the Students you want to retrieve the file(s) from.

  5. Click OK.

  6. The result of the operation will be displayed for you to check that the work has been collected successfully.

  7. Click OK.

See also:

To send work files

To change the properties of an operation