Dealing with help requests

If a Student raises a help request, an alert will be raised at the Tutor, provided it currently has that Student connected. Any outstanding help requests will be visible to the Tutor with a Help Request icon displayed next to the Student and a badge indicating the number of outstanding help requests on the ribbon. This will show until that help request has been cleared.

To display current help requests

  1. Select the Class tab in the ribbon and click Help Requests.

  2. The Help Requests window opens, listing the outstanding requests.

  3. You can reply to the Student's help request by clicking the View Client or Chat icons.

    Note: If a Student has raised an alert at the Tutor, the Student icon at the Tutor will change colour to notify the Tutor what alert has been raised; green for work is complete, amber for help needed and red for urgent help needed. You can switch these alerts off in the Tutor configuration.
  4. Once the help request has been dealt with, click the required Student's request in the Help Requests window and click Clear or right-click the required Student icon and click Clear. To clear all help requests, click Clear All in the Help Requests window. A Student can also clear previous help requests from the Request Help dialog.

See also:

Chatting to Students

Sending a message to Students