Using audio support while viewing and showing to a Student

NetSupport School allows you to use audible communications to connected Students via microphones, headphones and speakers while viewing and showing. NetSupport School will only operate audio if the machines have audio hardware and software installed.

Note: You can quickly mute all Student machines by clicking Mute All on the caption bar. If this is not displayed, you can add by clicking the Configure Quick Access List icon and selecting Mute/Unmute audio at students.

To use audio support while viewing

  1. The audio options are displayed in the Audio tab of the View window ribbon. From here, you can:

    • Turn audio on or off.

    • Enable only the Tutor or the Student to talk.

    • Listen to the Student.

Note: Click Settings to access the Audio settings. From here, you can also set the microphone sensitivity and select the audio quality.

To use audio support while showing

  1. Select the Class tab in the ribbon, click the Show icon and select the Enable audio during show option.

  2. During the ShowClosed Show the Tutor's screen to Students. only the Tutor has Announce functionality. (If you are showing to only one Student, both the Tutor and Student can speak. If you are showing to many, only the Tutor can speak (announce).)

The audio settings set in the Tutor Configurator - Audio apply during these sessions.

See also:

Adjusting microphone and speaker volume