Using Question and Answer mode

Once a Question and Answer session has begun, you can see who has responded and mark Student answers by clicking the tick or cross on the Student's thumbnail. Awards can be given for a correct answer and deducted for an incorrect answer and you can configure these options in the Question & Answer Options dialog. The number of rewards a Student has is shown on their thumbnail and Students can see their current awards in the Question and Answer Mode window displayed on their screen.

Note: Rewards can be allocated/deducted outside of a Question and Answer session by selecting the Feedback & Wellbeing tab in the ribbon.

Questions can be bounced around the class, encouraging discussion. You can also ask Students to peer assess an answer to find out if they thought it was correct or not.

You can move on to the next round by selecting the Class tab in the ribbon and clicking Next Round. You can stop the current question type and clear the Question and Answer Mode window on the Student machines by clicking Stop in the ribbon.

Excluding Students

To ensure all Students are involved equally in the process, you can exclude specific students, those that have already answered a question, from the next round of questioning.

Students are automatically excluded from a round if either of the Exclude options in the Question & Answer Options dialog have been selected. Students can be manually excluded, right-click the Student and select Exclude Student from round.

Sound effects

Sound effects can be played at the Tutor and Students. A sound is played at the Tutor when a Student answers, at the Student when the Answer dialog is displayed and at both when randomly selecting a Student and when the thinking time or time limit is at 5 and 2.5 seconds. Sounds effects are turned on by default.

  1. Select the Class tab in the ribbon and click Volume.

  2. Select the relevant option to turn sound effects on/off at the Tutor or Student.

  3. Use the slider bar to adjust the volume.

See also:

Question and Answer module

Tutor display

Team mode

Bouncing questions

Peer assessment