NetSupport Connectivity Server Configuration Utility - General tab

You use this dialog to configure the properties of the NetSupport Connectivity ServerClosed The NetSupport Connectivity Server (Gateway) is a component in NetSupport School which provides a stable and secure method for connecting Students and Tutors via the internet using HTTP and delivers web-based remote control without the need for modifications to existing firewall configurations. (Gateway).

You can access the dialog at the end of the installation, when the dialog will appear automatically, or via the NetSupport Connectivity Server icon which appears in the system tray. Right-click on the icon and select Configure Connectivity Server. The dialog can also be accessed from the NetSupport Connectivity Server Console, select {File}{Configure Connectivity Server} from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can run the file Pcigwcfg.exe from the NetSupport School program folder.

Note: To display the NetSupport Connectivity Server icon in the system tray, click the Start screen, choose All apps, NetSupport School and click NetSupport School Name Server Console.

NetSupport Connectivity Server Configuration Utility dialog

Listening Port and Interfaces

Listen on all IP interfaces: By default, the installed NetSupport Connectivity Server component uses the local IP address(es) and communicates through port 443.

Listen on specified IP interfaces: You can add multiple IP addresses or enter a specific IP address, select Add and enter the IP address.

Note: The IP address of the Connectivity Server machine and key will also need to be configured at both the Tutor and Student machine.

Comms. Management Packet Interval

CMPI (secs:): When configured for NetSupport Connectivity Server connections, the Student machine confirms its availability by periodically polling the NetSupport Connectivity Server. By default, a network packet is sent every 60 seconds, but you can change this if required.

Event Log Files

NetSupport Connectivity Server activity during an active session is recorded in a text file, default GW001.LOG. This can be useful for checking which Students and Tutors have connected through the NetSupport Connectivity Server.

Location: By default, the log file is stored in: C:\\Program Files\Common Files\NSL\Connectivity Server\GW001.log. Select Browse to specify an alternative path.

Max file size (KB): Over a period of time, the log file could become quite large, you can manage this by specifying a maximum file size. When the limit is reached the existing information in the file is overwritten by the new records.

Note:  For changes to the log file settings to take effect, you need to restart the Gateway32 service.

Automatic recovery if service stops abnormally

By default, the Gateway service will automatically recover if there is an abnormal shutdown.

See also:

NetSupport Connectivity Server Configuration Utility - adding security keys

NetSupport Connectivity Server Configuration Utility - Licences tab

NetSupport Connectivity Server Configuration Utility - Security tab

NetSupport Connectivity Server Configuration Utility - Classes tab