Tutor Toolbar

When the Tutor Console is minimised, the Tutor ToolbarClosed When the Tutor application is minimised, a convenient toolbar is provided for quick access to key features. provides details of the current lesson and access to key NetSupport School functions. You can mute sound at all Students, add notes to the Student JournalClosed The unique Student Journal ensures all relevant information from a lesson is recorded for future review., scan, chat, message, announce, show, lock/unlock Students, blank Student screens and block all internet access by clicking the relevant icon. When the Tutor program is maximised, the Tutor Toolbar will disappear and any settings applied will show in the Tutor Console.

Note: The Tutor Console can be maximised by clicking Restore.

To disable the Tutor Toolbar, click Options in the Tutor Console, select Settings from the drop-down menu, choose User Interface - Tutor and clear Show Tutor Toolbar on minimizing option.

Note: A Student Toolbar is also provided; if enabled, this provides the Student with feedback on the current lesson and access to tools.